Policy Measures as a Pathway to Improve the Quality of Life of the Elderly Population
The article is focused on mapping different policies and programs aimed at the elderly population, as well as the incentive for inclusion in these programs. The review of different policies aimed to achieve harmonization and complement the opportunities for the conducting of personal careers, and better quality of life. The consequences of population aging in Bulgarian conditions lead to various changes in the labor market. In this context the policies themselves aim not only to include elderly people in the labor market but also to ensure economic growth, thereby creating the prerequisites for social support and assistance. The overall vision of the article is to provide an overview of the political map in which the various institutional practices stimulate the elderly population to increase their education and qualification as one of the ways of active living. The article uses the results of a representative survey of the 55+ population regarding its participation in various forms of continuing education and qualification. Our understanding is that labor market participation has two important consequences for older people. On the one hand, it is related to the provision of material income and good living conditions, and on the other hand, it has positive consequences affecting the psychological confidence and self-confidence of the elderly that they are useful to society. All this in its entirety shows various aspects related to the quality of life of people in the third age.
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