Horizons of the Media Ecology. The Reflections on the Media Rebus

  • Dilyana Keranova South-West University
Keywords: media ecology, media pictures, digital media literacy


The purpose of this article is to outline the specific attitudes towards the media environment among experts and students in the field of media, communications and sociology.

The analysis is based on empirical data from several methods used: expert assessment, structured interview among students, and World Café method combined with a visual quality approach. What are the assessments and meaningful meanings? What are the expectations and aspects of the value attitude towards the media purity and the dimensions of the media ecology in the Bulgarian context?

Among the main challenges for the "ecology" in the media space is the problem of the produced media image of the social world. There are also aspects of the need for relevant information and digital literacy.

Social behavior and social interaction are being developed as dimensions of media content and digital media literacy. An important aspect is the need for competences for digital citizenship in the context of the "knowledge society". The literacy is committed to participation-consumption-creating digital media content. 


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How to Cite
Keranova, D. (2019). Horizons of the Media Ecology. The Reflections on the Media Rebus. Postmodernism Problems, 9(1), 227-247. Retrieved from https://pmpjournal.org/index.php/pmp/article/view/176