Gender Stereotypes in Digital Advertising Case study: L'Oréal

Keywords: digital advertising, gender stereotypes, beauty brands


This paper briefly presents the image of gender stereotypes in media and also in advertising and, respectively, digital advertising. The purpose is to observe if nowadays famous beauty brands (in this case - L'Oréal) still use gender stereotypes in the materials published online, on different social media platforms (in this case – Instagram). Throughout the research questions, the authors discover if there are any gender stereotypes present in the selected corpus, which are the strategies used to spread these stereotypes, and which are the roles played by women and men in the posts. In terms of methodology, two will be used two approaches, adapted to the purpose of this study: first, the coding scheme provided by Goffman (1979) and Butkowski et al. (2019), for photos, and secondly, for videos, the coding scheme elaborated by Dominick & Rauch (1972) and revised by Aramendia-Muneta et al. (2019).


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How to Cite
Branea , S., & Stoica , D. (2024). Gender Stereotypes in Digital Advertising Case study: L’Oréal. Postmodernism Problems, 14(2), 146-158.