Patterns of Construction of Alternative Media Discourses About Refugee Waves From Syria and Ukraine

Keywords: discourse, representation, legitimation, alternative discourses, integration policy


This paper examines the patterns of construction of alternative media speaking in relation to the refugee waves triggered by the military actions in Syria and Ukraine over the last 10 years. The paper is based on the understanding that language is not neutral and the patterns of speaking revealed in the media have a direct link to social relations and structures. This paper explores how different models of alternative speaking on the Syrian and Ukrainian refugee waves (what I call alternative discourses on the Syrian and Ukrainian refugee waves) function to legitimize and delegitimize certain state policies related to the adaptation and integration of Syrian and Ukrainian refugees.


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How to Cite
Baltov, N. (2022). Patterns of Construction of Alternative Media Discourses About Refugee Waves From Syria and Ukraine. Postmodernism Problems, 12(3), 441-494.