Dualistic Audience Model in Public Diplomacy

Keywords: public diplomacy, yin and yang model, audience, audience in public diplomacy, audience model in public diplomacy


This paper examines the theoretical frame regarding the audience with special focus on foreign diasporas as part of the potential stakeholders for initiatives in contemporary public diplomacy. Within the light of recent developments in digital communication and the widespread use of social media, we investigate the evolution of the concept for exclusively foreign audience in public diplomacy initiatives. The hypothesis of the author is that within the highly digitalized and globalized contemporary environment, it is impossible to completely separate domestic and foreign audiences. Thus, the dualistic Yin and Yang Model of the audience in public diplomacy is introduced. The concept can be useful for future theoretical and empirical research in the field, as well as a starting point for further academic debates and analysis.


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How to Cite
Kalinov, K. (2021). Dualistic Audience Model in Public Diplomacy. Postmodernism Problems, 11(3), 187-198. https://doi.org/10.46324/PMP2103187