News Value Dynamics – Communication Through Audience Experience Research

  • Maya Vassileva Department of Communication and Audiovisual Production” at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Keywords: news, newsworthy, newscast structure, news value, news production


News is a viable and essential form of traditional journalism. News television programming incorporates the seriousness of democratic issues into the public conversation. Regarding themes, current events, international policies, or cultural phenomena, news value is key in structuring newscasts. Scholars and practitioners point to the news value dynamic as a conditional measure of the direct experience of the living world. From the audience perspective, the study methodology of this article presents a scientific aspect of how communication specialists perceive and rethink the news critically, more often as professionals who precisely notice twisting reality, rather than journalists, who specify why challenges of news value never abate. In this special study, conducted in May and June 2024, a group of trainee communication specialists in the role of respondents participated in research of the news value of four news items covering vital hot news in Bulgarian society. Respondents must guess the inherent relationships between factors of the news value and try to understand the logic behind the dynamics of news value. For this paper, the dynamics of news value is identified as a postmodernism problem not only concerns the semantic differentiation, stemming from media professional standards but also expands into what journalistic and communication theory call “scientific applied” and traces the contour of a complex practice of research facets and needs for new agile findings. The paper offered to your attention looks at how the news value dynamic sustains audience interest through the professional lens of communicators.


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How to Cite
Vassileva, M. (2024). News Value Dynamics – Communication Through Audience Experience Research. Postmodernism Problems, 14(3), 270-291.