Changes in Organizational Communication since ChatGPT AI Usage in Romania for internal and external corporate communication

Keywords: ChatGPT, organizational communication, digitally mediated communication, employer-employee relationship


Since their apparition, Large Language Models have been highly used by both individuals and companies for a plethora of personal and professional activities. Considering its capacity of generating text, using large amounts of data available as well as its accessibility, ChatGPT proves to be a useful tool for internal and external communication within companies worldwide. This paper focuses on exploring the changing dynamics in terms of information diffusion between managers, employees, colleagues, and stakeholders within international corporations, with a particular emphasis on the European and American research conducted in the last two years and the personal experiences of ten Romanian managers that use language models in their professional activities and communication. The results show a direct correlation between the usage of ChatGPT to convey important information or assign tasks to the employees, and their augmented productivity, due to better time management and an increased clarity of the delivered messages. While oral communication still plays an important role in establishing personal relationships at the workplace, the written one, facilitated by virtual platforms, is gaining more popularity. This study aims to be a starting point for any future, in-depth analysis of the changing communication organizational dynamics in Romania.


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How to Cite
Razec, I. (2024). Changes in Organizational Communication since ChatGPT AI Usage in Romania for internal and external corporate communication . Postmodernism Problems, 14(2), 182-201.