Women’s Participation in Digital Platforms: The Etsy Case in Bulgaria

Keywords: platform economy, female labor, digital labor


Many studies have examined the growth and impact of the platform economy, but none have investigated Bulgarian users’ involvement in Etsy, the largest online marketplace for the sale of unique handcrafted goods. Given the growing popularity of platforms as alternatives for labor and creative self-expression, as well as the high level of women's presence on the Etsy platform, this paper examines the particularities of women's participation on the digital platform and addresses characteristics of female labor, placing them in the context of Bulgarian female sellers. The results are based on responses from an online survey of female Etsy sellers in Bulgaria and describe the demographic profile of respondents, present their degree of financial dependence on the activity, and outline users’ estimation of the essential competencies required for successful performance on the platform. The findings of the study suggest that the platform is popular among women with certain financial comfort and that the respondents view their work on Etsy as a creative and recreational outlet rather than a dependable source of income.


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How to Cite
Dobreva, M. (2024). Women’s Participation in Digital Platforms: The Etsy Case in Bulgaria. Postmodernism Problems, 14(1), 100-115. https://doi.org/10.46324/PMP2401100