Attitudes of Graphic Designers and Copywriters in Bulgaria Towards Artificial Intelligence

Keywords: digitization, artificial intelligence, graphic designers, copywriters, creativity, work, labour, tasks


Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the core technologies of the digital transformation. It is expected to lead to job losses, initially in occupations characterised by routine activities, but increasingly in creative professions. This chapter analyses the results of an empirical survey of graphic designers and copywriters in Bulgaria on their attitudes towards AI as well as their views on its future influence on their professions. The majority do not perceive AI and automation as a threat. In their view, digital technologies and artificial intelligence are a favourable opportunity for professionals that will change their work by taking away routine tasks and leaving creative activities to humans alone. Graphic designers and copywriters will engage in creative work, and their work will become more in demand because it is human. The analysis of the study shows that pessimistic scenarios of massive job destruction may not hold true. Expectations of deterioration in the quality of work (Holtgrewe, 2014) as a result of digitalization are also not borne out. This study is the first of its kind in this country to explore creative professions and their attitudes towards AI.


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How to Cite
Malamin, B. (2024). Attitudes of Graphic Designers and Copywriters in Bulgaria Towards Artificial Intelligence. Postmodernism Problems, 14(1), 55-73.