Understanding Digital Violence and Sexual Abuse in Adolescents and Minors: A Literature Review

Keywords: digital violence, perception of violence, sexual abuse, adolescents, minors, educational strategies


This review provides a literature examination of the effects of digital violence perception and sexual abuse on adolescents and minors. Using a literature review method, we explore how factors such as age, gender, and familial and educational environments shape young people's understanding of and reactions to violence, particularly in digital settings. The study also delves into the enduring impact of sexual abuse on the mental, physical, and sexual health of youth. Through a careful selection of 15 recent studies from academic databases that focused on the nexus between media violence and sexual abuse, we revealed the need for holistic educational and preventive approaches. These approaches should simultaneously address the complexities of digital violence and sexual abuse while emphasizing the importance of social support systems. Our findings advocate for further research in varied cultural settings to reinforce mental health safeguards and promote balanced development in young individuals.


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How to Cite
Fitzek, S., Choi, K.-E. (Anna), & Drăgan, C. (2024). Understanding Digital Violence and Sexual Abuse in Adolescents and Minors: A Literature Review. Postmodernism Problems, 14(1), 17-36. https://doi.org/10.46324/PMP2401017