The Generational Cycles of Simon Kuznets in Bulgaria


It is considered to what extent the probability of extermination of the new working-active generation, expressed in the authors' research in 2015, was realized in the period of the descending phase of the generation cycle of Simon Kuznets in the period 2008-2020. For this purpose, three indicators are studied – demographic, social, and economical. The thesis is that the extermination will most likely occur in 2035-2043 when risk factors are superimposed both from the descending phase of the next generation cycle of Simon Kuznets and from the ascending phase of the US military budget.


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How to Cite
Naidenov, G., & Haralampiev, K. (2022). The Generational Cycles of Simon Kuznets in Bulgaria. Postmodernism Problems, 12(3), 319-345.