Aspects of Communication Behavior: Medical Institutions and Public Interest

Keywords: crisis communications, healthcare, proactive communication, stakeholders


Not a single organization is immune to crisis. Negligent handling of regulations and standards, misprotection of personal information, mistakes in care and treatment, financial resources frauds, non-compliance with operational and technical processes, or hygiene scandals are just some of the issues that can turn into a crisis. In addition to the universal risks, the emotionally charged topic of healthcare, combined with the importance of healthcare facilities as trustworthy institutions, turns hospital mistakes into events of high news value. This article provides tips and ideas for developing practical communication activities in times of crisis, including answers to the question of what a medical institution can do to be better prepared when a crisis occurs and how to reduce physical, psychological, and emotional stress on the staff and patients.


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How to Cite
Asenova-Todorova, A. (2021). Aspects of Communication Behavior: Medical Institutions and Public Interest. Postmodernism Problems, 11(2), 178-186.