Media Ecology and Digital Media Literacy

  • Ivanka Mavrodieva Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Keywords: media ecology, digital media literacy, blogging, social networks and online media


The article is an attempt to highlight some basic features in the meaning of the terms “media ecology” and “digital media literacy”. On thе basis of a brief theoretical observation the indicators are identified and they are combined with the rhetorical analysis, the aim being to identify, on the one hand, changes in the Bulgarian blogosphere, in the business social network Linkedin and in SlideShare. On the other hand, the focus of the investigation is on elements of digital media literacy in a different media environment, and their opportunities for using of digital tools not only by professional journalists.


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How to Cite
Mavrodieva, I. (2019). Media Ecology and Digital Media Literacy. Postmodernism Problems, 9(1), 112-131. Retrieved from