Current Issue

Vol 14 No 3 (2024): Postmodernism Problems

Thematic Issue:

Technological Influence on Communications and Society: All Roads Lead to AI

Guest Editors:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stella Angova, Department of Media and Public Communications, UNESCO Chair on Media and Information Literacy and Cultural Policies for Sustainable Development, UNWE

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivan Valchanov, Department of Media and Public Communications, UNESCO Chair on Media and Information Literacy and Cultural Policies for Sustainable Development, UNWE

Published: 2024-12-01



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The Journal accepts theoretical, quantitative, qualitative and experience-based full research papers, short communications, review studies,  book and conference reviews, etc.

Applications and case studies which introduce and describe impacts of new theoretical approaches in real conditions of practical case are also accepted.

Authors can submit their manuscripts in accordance with the Instructions for Authors and Journal Policies, which are on the main page of the journal website.

Deadlines for editorial preparation of manuscripts for publication are:

March 31 - for issue 1; July 31 for issue 2 and November 30 for issue 3.

All submissions are guaranteed a response from the editors, regardless of the outcome of the peer reviewed process.