The Media and Covid-19.Communication and Information Challenges

Keywords: Covid-19, media, information, trust


The present study is based on the results of a sociological survey conducted by the method of "individual direct online survey," among 609 respondents from all over the country, during the period 29 of April till 3 of May 2020, with scientific supervisor Prof. Dobrinka Peicheva, Ph.D., Dr. Habill, and members of the scientific -research team - Prof. Valentina Milenkova, Assoc. Prof. Mario Marinov, Chief Assistant Ph.D. Dilyana Keranova, Ph.D. Violeta Nikolova. The study analyzes and interprets the results obtained, validating the trust in the media, through the reliability and comprehensiveness of the information they disseminate about the global pandemic, on the one hand, and the relationship between the assessment of the government's crisis and the level of fear of infection to another.


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How to Cite
Nikolova, V. (2020). The Media and Covid-19.Communication and Information Challenges. Postmodernism Problems, 10(2), 202-218.