Overview of European Language Educational Policy, Threshold Level and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

  • Vesna Prodanovska-Poposka University of Bitola
  • Silvana Neshkovska University of Bitola
Keywords: Threshold Level, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment, European Language Policy


The necessity to master foreign languages is evident in our daily lives. Being skilled in one or two languages is an asset not only for individuals, but also to a state level. The aim of European policy is to be able to speak at least two languages other than the mother tongue. Promoting linguistic and cultural diversity, i. e. multilingualism, is an official and strategic objective of the European Union. This article provides an overview of European language policy by analyzing the documents Threshold Level and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment.


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How to Cite
Prodanovska-Poposka, V., & Neshkovska, S. (2018). Overview of European Language Educational Policy, Threshold Level and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Postmodernism Problems, 8(3), 407-422. Retrieved from https://pmpjournal.org/index.php/pmp/article/view/11